Charles Matthews to return

We are pleased to announce that Charles Matthews will be returning to give another lunchtime piano recital on Saturday September 7th at 1.00.  This time he will be playing a programme he has called Glimpses on the Horizon with music by Chopin and Schoenberg as well as the contemporary composer Ryan Probert.  Probert’s Satie-like music … Read more

Coull Quartet concerts

On the last Sunday of June, the Coull Quartet gave the last of their series of three 50th Anniversary Coffee Concerts in the Chapel to a large and enthusiastic audience.  Half a century of playing together is a real achievement for a string quartet, even if some of the components have had to be replaced … Read more

Concerts at Warwick Unitarians

Charles Matthews recently returned to give a splendid Saturday lunchtime recital called Bells and Clocks.  This was piano music largely from the 20th and 21 centuries, some of it very familiar and some much less so but still fizzing with Charles’s usually excitement.   He will be back in September with another hour long concert … Read more

Chapel Services at the end of the year

As has become our practice over several years, we at Warwick celebrate Christmas with a Christmas Service sometime before the 25th, leaving Christmas Day itself for families to join in the celebrations at home or away. On the 10th December, at 4.30 as usual, Peter Flower with be taking the service. This year we shall … Read more

Our unpredictable world

The temperature has dropped, and winter seems to have arrived to show us that Global Warming does not just mean that the summers are warmer.  Climate Breakdown is a better word as it also brings vast unpredictability into the mix.  Here in Warwick we are investigating ways that we can contribute to improving our ‘footprint’.  … Read more

Chapel Social Gathering 2nd September

Since the restrictions imposed by Covid, we have met every Sunday for services, thanks to our lovely regular visiting speakers who so generously use their time and energy to support the Chapel.  Purely social occasions have taken much longer to re-establish, though, so it was a splendid idea from Carole that we should once again … Read more

Charles Matthews returns

On Saturday 19th August at 1.00, Charles Matthews is coming back to give the third of his series of hour-long lunchtime concerts of largely British piano music. Previously Charles has given us a wonderful panorama of the range of keyboard music from five different centuries.  He followed this in his second concert with a demonstration … Read more

August 2023 Report

During the quieter summer months there have been two major maintenance projects carried out on the Chapel. In the first place we discovered broken tiles lying on the back patio and realised that the ridge tiles above the Chancel were looking very loose.  We invited a roofing company to inspect and recommend what action might … Read more

Services in July 2023

In addition to our usual service formats this month we are having two visits from people who do not usually represent Unitarians. On the 9th July Gavin Lloyd will bring with him Geoff Flitterick to share their thoughts about the vital work of Water Aid in a world that is marching headlong into climate breakdown … Read more